A small boss fight created around the theme "Mutation" for the ScoreSpace game jam. My take on the theme was a boss that gains (mutates) new abilities to make the fight more challenging.

Credit to https://www.FesliyanStudios.com for the background music. 

I was planning on making music myself but ran out of time in the game jam. The music will be original if I release a future version of the game.

To use the leaderboard 

1) Change name

2) Upload Score (if you want)

4) Update leaderboard

Note: the leaderboard will NOT show up and will NOT update unless you hit update leaderboard EVERY TIME you want to update it. (I was on a crunch, its not ideal sorry)


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Relizing I made this game wayyyyy too hard... Ill update it after the jam and make it better (not that anyone will play it lol)

(1 edit)

I played it! Very cool animations, but I feel dumb playing